Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Atishoo! Atishoo! We All Fall Down

Does anyone know who might be the God of Good Health? And what I need do to get into his/her good books again?

We are the House of Sickness! I may as well wear a nose bouquet, paint a cross on the door and have done with it. First, there was the migraine (mine), then the wobbles (mine) then the cold-virus-flu thing with the temperature and the sore throat and the funny tummy (me and Anna-Mouse simultaneously - we had simultaneous doctor's appointments with different doctors, too, which made for rather a stressful visit, seeing as only me and her were there, and I could hardly send her off on her own); then came the cough, the dreaded nighttime variety which wakes everyone up as soon as everyone is asleep (me and Anna-Mouse); then came the sinusitis-with-the-worst headache ever (the Bim) - oh please let it end.

We are also the House of Drugs: paracetamol by the packetful, cold cures and herbal potions and can I just say - where, oh where would we be at 3 in the morning without Calpol, other than at our wits' end... And although we've all rallied rather valiantly, we have also had our moments with the generally gloomy spirits that accompany such a pox-filled house.

So having very little but the colour of the four walls to write about, I find myself writing about very little at all. Makes a change from cancer, chemo and marriage wobbles, I suppose. But it feels good to fill the box, press the button, remember there's a bigger world and that in the Big Scheme of Things all this means nothing, nothing at all.

Now, I've a date with a Benylin bottle. There are some compensations...


Debbie Doughty said...

I think that many in the "bigger world" are fighting all sorts of wintery germs too. I know I have! Here's to ordinary days with nothing to write about. May our lives be blessed with many more :)

Suffolkmum said...

Benilyn is pretty heady stuff! It's sooo miserable when you're all ill and you can't even get all the sympathy and attention - I hope you're better soon.

Penny Pincher said...

Bless you ;-0

Sue said...

Oh dear Livvy, hope you're all turning the corner away from it now.

It's that time of year isn't it? I dread standing in the playground to hear people commenting on what bugs, colds etc are about.

I start backing away!!

Good to see you back on the blog though. You still manage to make illness sound amusing. :-) Take care.

Sue xx

Stinking Billy said...

The only consolation you *can* have is that it *will* pass and you will both be as right as rain again in no time at all.

But you need patience, and it's still a pig, isn't it?

Catherine said...

A date with a Benylin bottle! Hope things are better now, Livvy. At least you have got the lurgies out of the way before Christmas.

I currently have a (non-specific) rash and look very odd. Otherwise feel OK, but think it's a sign to slow things down a bit. If only!

Livvy U. said...

Huge apologies to all the people so close to my heart who commented on this post - I only just discovered your comments in the Spam box of my horrible new email set-up (which HAS to go)...

And as ever all much appreciated. I am slowly returning to life in every sense and will be back on blogging form very soon. Hurrah. Meanwhile, please don't give up on me.

Catherine said...

Course we won't give up on you Livvy! Always listening, albeit sporadically.

Sue said...

Hope you are okay Livvy.

Have a good Christmas.

Sue xx

Sue said...

Happy New Year Livvy. Hope 2008 is a better year for you and brings happiness to you.

Sue xx

Livvy U. said...

Happiest of New Years to you too, Sue. It's the unprompted leaving of comments such as these which begin to stir me from my hibernation and tell me to get my pen out and write.. A post soon, I promise x

richactor said...

Love you Livvy!
Happy New Year x

Mr. Nauton said...

Hmmmm... checking the date on this last post makes me hope you checked the date on that medication! Hope all is well...

merry weather said...

Hi Livvy - Medised works for us. Or children's Sudafed, to stop that tickling night-time cough... Hope all's well in your world these days?

And Happy New Year!!

Debbie Doughty said...

Hi Livvy,
Sure do miss you! Hope everything is OK...